Diane Jacobs

Diane Jacobs

In 1993 I shaved my head and began saving my hair. This daily ritual of rolling a hairball in the shower to later be used in my art is one way I weave my art and the everyday together. My creative process helps me understand the complexities, contradictions and injustices of the world we live in today.

I contextualize my work by using word puns, text with dual meaning, and derogatory language as a catalyst to reveal old and new ways of thinking. I am fascinated by the allure of shadows and the interplay between illusion and heightened consciousness. In much of my work I use reflective materials to alter perception, scrutinize information, and bring the viewer into the dialog.

Coming soon....
24 hour Cancelation Policy: Please allow 24 hours so your stylist can fill their schedule. A fee of $50 for haircuts and $75 for color will be charged if cancelled with less than 24 hours notice.